1994: The CDC's "Dearborn" conference, which wasn't about "standardization," but falsification.
See the invitation here.
What happened was, the labs were invited to "participate in the proceedings!" but then the Lyme criminals blew off all the other labs' recommendations, which, on average, said that the "standardization" proposal was only 15% accurate--Gary Wormser included.
In the Dearborn Conference Booklet, you will see who said what, that the Steere/Dressler report is missing, and that there was no consensus or agreement. Towards the end of the booklet see what all the contributing labs said about Steere's and the CDC's proposal for a new diagnostic standard. Everyone said it sucked except MarDx who had been given arthritis positive blood to "qualify" their Western Blot test strips, but even they said OspA and B should not be left out of the case definition.

Barbara Johnson was in charge of the 1994 Dearborn conference.